Sunday, March 18, 2012

Supermarket Sensory Overload

I hope no one gets offended by this, but my love and I went grocery shopping today which is a sensory nightmare for me. So every time we stopped to look for what we needed on the shelves, I stimmed by swaying/rocking. I also cannot think clearly, and I do not don't speak well as a result. I repeat what I am saying in different ways. I also get unreasonably impatient. My guy is awesome, and conscientious of my anxiety. So he diffuses me by saying, "I love shopping with you, it's like shopping with Rain Man,"...I have a warped sense of humor, which he knows all too well, so I thought this was hilarious (granted I know that the Rain Man character had Classical Autism), but it worked. I feigned being incredulous, and jokingly told him he better watch it or else I was going to put him on the serious injury list...I know, I know, so wrong..but, making me laugh shifted my focus from my agitating environment, and kept me from shutting down.
I did do one incredibly lame thing though...while waiting in the checkout line naturally there was a person behind me. My spot in line, I was standing in front of the soda fridge. I had no idea that the man behind me wasn't waiting in line, but waiting for me to move so he could get a drink for his daughter out of the fridge that I was blocking. I realized this when I moved up in line, and saw him get a drink out of the fridge. I was a little down on myself for being so utterly self centered and oblivious. My guy made me feel a little better when he said "I remember be taught to say excuse me."...I guess he's a bit right, but I really need to be more aware of the people in my surroundings.

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